What is trekking and what it is not?
Trekking is traveling by foot for any number of days through flatlands, hills, mountains, not usually snowy peaks. Most people find it to be an emotional sometimes spiritual enlighte
ning physical challenge. It has its rewards that are not always easy to achieve without the desire to see what drives you. Mentally you could want to keep walking up the mountain or through the plains, but physically your body could be aching or unfamiliar changes in elevation could be slowing you down (maybe causing altitude sickness). None the less, trekking in Nepal is one of the best places in the world to test yourself (mind, body, and spirit) and one with growing popularity for travelers from many countries with
rewarding health benefits, beautiful scenery and seeing a less developed side of the world that only some have had the privilege and determination to witness.
Many ask, why is Nepal the ideal place to trek? With this question it is hard to pinpoint one
answer, because the experience people have, is so different from person to person. Nepal does have a well-established tourism industry (trekking being one of the major attractions for this country) and is geared towards catering to the travelers every need and concern.
Without trekking, it is easy to say you have not really seen or experienced the cultures of Nepal. Just as Paris, Tokyo, or San Francisco cannot be viewed as representatives for their respectiv
e countri
es, this is especially true forKathmandu and Nepal. Although travel toKathmandu provides a good taste of
Nepal, it is only a drop in a bucket of water when you compare it to the melting pot of varied and distinct cultures, terrain and habitats that is Nepal. Nepal's unique and rugged geography hides within it, remote regions that to this day are only accessible by foot. Trekking provides you the opportunity to see these and to spend quality time getting to know the layout of the land - literally.
See the "trekking areas" page for trekking area's details. It can also be helpful to check out our "choosing a trek" page.
While on your trek, it is easy to witness the different cultures such as terraced hill rice farmers to Tibetan yak herders, Hindu Sadhu to Buddhist monks and everything in between all within one week; all distinct and unique in the way they have lived and survived for centuries. Around every corner is a different and interesting view. Each step and tu
rn encompasses you with a fresh perspective of beauty that can be overwhelming to the senses which adds to the obvious healing energy that the country as a whole creates. One can compare it to being dropped in a sea of life and being completely immersed in its power.
Trekking in Nepal would provide you with an experience that has captivated mountaineers, explorers, and travelers alike for years.
Different types of treks
Nepal offers trekking for all levels. Whether it is your first time trekking or if you are looking for a more advanced trek. There are simple treks around the Pokharaand Kathmandu Valleys to strenuous multi-day (or week) expeditions through the rugged terrain of Nepal's remote regions. Whatever your preferred travel style and timeframe, Nepal has different options for your adventure trekking needs.
While trekking in Nepal you will truly experience and appreciate travel from the past. You will witness first hand how your home country began to be so advanced with traveling by automobile and transporting goods from one place to another. On most of the trekking routes you will frequently pass (and be passed) by Sherpas and other porters. These porters carry large bundles hanging from their heads draped over their backs of different goods being transported by foot to another mountain town or all the way to the major cities. If you can imagine how and ant can carry 2 times his weight you can start to imagine what watching one of these men at work, looks like.
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